Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Discover How People Are Getting $260 in Free Wellness Products Monthly –...

Vital4Lyfe Pack

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Residual Income

 Residual Income is my favorite kind of income. It's easy. You just do something once and start collecting your income.

To set up a residual income generator just follow 2 steps below.

First, find a new product with a sales system with a high conversion rate like the one promoting Xanthomyst. Find it here.

Use  Xanthomyst and share your experience with friends and family. When they order it, they will be on your first level. When their friends and family order it, they will be on your second level.

Try Xanthomyst. Shop and Save. Share and earn.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

My Multiple Sclerosis story

 I've been living with Primary Progressive MS since the Spring of 1988. I wasn't diagnosed until March of 2003., The reason I know I got it in 1988 is because I was having a problem with my eyes. I later found out that I had Optic-neuritis. 

I discovered why and how I got MS while watching the September 16th 2022 episode of Democracy Now. Amy Goodman was interviewing Dr. Gabor Mate about his latest book, "The Myth of Normal". Ge said that MS is caused by trauma and stress. I thought back to when I had the vision problem and remembered I went to my Nephew's funeral. He died in his crib of SIDS. At the time I was driving a truck and had to violate driving hours to make my deliveries. I was under a lot of stress. 

Here is a link to that interview.

CBD was in the news a lot in 2018. I thought I would give CBD oil a see if it would help me with my MS. I started using it in 2019 and went from using a wheelchair to walking without a cane in 2021. I have good balance and my vision is getting better. My other MS symptoms are going away. 

The thing I noticed after using CBD oil is that the chronic back pain and sciatica from driving are gone.

The CBD oil I use is 10xPure - Gold Super 1000. You can find it at

Do me a favot and share this with people you know with MS so they can figure out how they got MS and how they can relieve their symptoms. Thank you.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Weight Loss Challenge

 The holidays are over. You gained some weight and deeper in debt.

What if I showed you a way to lose weight and keep it off. And you will earn money when you show your family and friends how to do the same thing. Would you do it?

See why losing weight this way works.

Watch video.

Challenge your family and friends to The little green pill.

Sunday, October 31, 2021



Every Mom knows other Moms, And those Moms know other Moms, It's a network of Moms, I guess you could call it The Mom Network. This Mom network is very powerful.

Most Moms would like to lose some weight, 

Some of these Moms would like to earn some extra income,

You're about to learn about something that is so hot that Moms can't get it fast enough.

Shop & Save

Share & Earn

Get Shape N Burn

Remember to share and earn.

Friday, September 3, 2021



I'm living with MS and need your help. It won't anything except a few minutes of your time.

I want to help everyone living with MS to improve their health and wealth. 

Improve your health and wealth even if you don't have MS or know anyone who does.


If you DO have MS, try the 10xPure Gold Super 1000 . I went from using a power-chair to walking without a cane using this CBD oil.

You will be well reward.

Thursday, August 26, 2021


 Your immune system is your best defense against colds, the flu, and other viruses. Having a strong immune system is essential for good health.

To prevent catching a virus such as a cold, flu, or other virus, you need to keep as much room as you can between you and the virus. That means having family and friends with strong immune systems. 

I recommend using Immune System Essentials. Recommend to your friends and family and you will earn enough to pay for Immune System Essentials. When your friends do the same thing, they will earn money and you will earn even more money. This is great for Moms. Moms know other Moms and they all want to keep their kids from getting a cold, flu, or other virus.