Monday, October 17, 2011

Work At Home Moms

Work at home Moms know the importance of networking with other Moms. Here's a simple way to earn some extra money every week for gas and groceries. The best part is you can do this in your spare time.

Your family gets thaircuts on a regular basis, right? Do you cut their hair or do they get it cut at a local shop?

Do you know anybody that gets their haircut at a local shop?

Run the numbers in your head.

Now, each of those local shops have a customer base. If the shop does a good job at a good price, they survive.

What if there was a way to help a local shop get more customers without paying for advertising? There is a way and you will earn a weekly check for helping local businesses and their customers find special deals of at least a 50% discout at other local businesses. Think of all the local businesses that could benefit from this.

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, it's The Customer Advantage. Find out what it's all about by watching the 2 videos. It's free to join and will save you money. What more could you ask for?