Monday, October 27, 2014

The New Face of Marketing

This article helps those thinking about using Mobile Marketing to help their business.

Marketing has taken on yet another new face - mobile – and according to Morgan Stanley, Mobile Marketing is the fastest growing industry in the history of the Internet.

It’s really no surprise. Today, consumers are becoming more dependent on, and active with, their mobile phones.  In fact, 96% of adults own cell phones – 37% of which are smart phones. With statistics like that, it’s only natural that businesses key in on the mobile marketing revolution that’s sweeping the Internet.

Mobile Marketing – by definition - is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network. (Mobile Marketing Association)

To break it down into something easier to understand, Mobile Marketing brings your products or services to your customers or clients in a much faster way than traditional marketing methods. Even simpler yet: mobile marketing is any form of marketing that involves using a mobile phone to participate. It may take on the form of a text message promotion, email, social media outlets or even face-to-face interactions – all with one goal in mind: engaging the customer to take some type of action.

To learn more about Mobile Marketing, check out Remarkamobile.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mobile Marketing Basics

This article helps those thinking about using Mobile Marketing to help their business.

Implementing a Mobile Marketing plan into your current marketing strategy really isn’t all that difficult and it’s actually less expensive than you think, but it will take time to set up, monitor and maintain. It can’t be stressed enough that Mobile Marketing is about consistency and commitment. You have to think about what you want to offer your customers, how you want them to react to the offer and what you will do to see it through.

Business is about building relationships and Mobile Marketing fits into this concept perfectly. In order to be successful in offering your customers what they want, you have to first know what they want.

To help you on your way – here are several steps you can take to begin implementing Mobile Marketing in your business today:

Learn the basics first. You have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run. If you are planning to go this alone and not hire an agency that specializes in this field, you must learn the basics. The Mobile Marketing Association’s Best Practices Document is a good place to start. Unless you are a computer and Internet guru, some of the information may seem over your head when you first start reading. It’s ok – take your time and you’ll catch on.

Case studies are excellent examples. Case Studies help you to see what other businesses are doing in the mobile world. It can also help get your creative juices flowing as far as what you can do in your business.
Walk the walk. Use mobile web frequently. There’s no better way to learn something new than by putting it into practice. Subscribe to as many text messaging campaigns you can find. If you aren’t already on an unlimited data plan, now would be a good time to change that. You have to use the technology if you expect to sell your customers on its benefits.

Determine how you’re going to get your offer out to your customers: text messaging, mobile website, mobile coupons, mobile advertising or some combination of these.

Find companies who can provide you the technological support you’ll need to get your offer out to the masses. You’ll need text messaging companies, mobile website builders, etc., to make it all come together. Or, if you prefer, hire a one-stop shop to handle it all for you.

Never stop learning!  Mobile Marketing is a new technology and just like everything else, it will continue to evolve even in its formative days.  Learn what you’re competitors are learning – but do it first. Don’t get left behind!

Like it or not, Mobile Marketing IS the wave of the future of the Internet. The yellow pages and other forms of traditional marketing have run their course. It’s now time to embrace the new technology and discover what it can do for you and your business.

To learn more about Mobile Marketing, check out Remarkamobile.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It's your money

I know a lot of people don't want to talk abount politics, but this is more important than you might think. Politicians are spending YOUR money on things you may not want then to. If they're giving away your money for tax loopholes for rhe rich or big oil, thrn it's time to let them know by voting them out of office. As a general rule, Republican Politicians are the worst. It's time to fire them on November 4th. Get out and VOTE!

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Best Advertising source

I do a lot of advertising online. I've found good places to advertise and some that are not so good.

A lot of new marketers try free acvertisng sources. I can tell you from past experience, you get what you pay for. Free advertising is a total waste of time.

Paid advertising is the way to go. Not all Paid Advertising is the same so you need to be careful or you'll lose a lot of money.

At one time Google Adwords were a good deal and you could get a good return on your advertisng dollar. Sad to say that it's no longer the case. The bids have become too high for it to be profitable.

I searched high and low trying to find a way to use Text Ads on popular sites and had just about given up. Then, I saw long-time Online Marketer, Brian Rooney, with a new company that he developed that was exactly whar I was looking for.

It's The Online Ad Network. The site offers articles that online marketers are looking for. On each page of articles is a baner and trxt ads on the right side of the page. Just like on Google.

The nice thing is that for your monthly membership, you can create unlimited banners an text ads.

I bet you're wondering what the monthy membership fee is. It's not near as much as you might think with unlimited advertising. It's just $19.95 per month

I'll let you in on a little secret. You can get it for free with only 3 others below you in the 3x10 matris and it doesn't matter if you sponsored them or not because there is no requirent to sponor anyone. That's right. NO SPONSORING!

Check it out for yourself.

The Online Ad Network

Friday, October 3, 2014

Make Money

How To Make Money Online From Home

I've been looking at new ways to make money online from home.

I recent;y lost my job because of my health and needed to make money to pay bills and stay independant. I don't qualify for most government programs and needed to find ways to eaen an income without relying on others.

You may be in a similar situation. I don't know, but if you are, here is some info I want to share with you.

As I was searching for ways to make money, I ran across something called Craigslist Confidential.

I needed to check it out.

I learned that it's possible to sell digital products on Craigslist and there are people actually doing it every day.

I started seeing some ads that were running again and again. I figured the person running those ads wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work, so I did a little digging and found out some eye-oprninh things. I found out the ad poster was making $200-$400 per day with those little ads.

I had to find out how to do it.

I got a copy of Craigslist Confidebtual and started going through the training videos. I was in a hurry, so I went though them pretty fast so that I could get started.

After I learned enough to get started, I posted my first Craigslist ad.

I was very nervous about that ad and kept checking to see if I got any results. I didn't see any sakes and decided I needed to give it time.

I went and did some other things to take my nind off the ad.

I checked back later and saw that I had made a sale. An hour later I saw that I had made 2 more sales.

I made up my mind to go back to the videos and take some notes and see if I could learn some more.

I spent some time pouring over those videos and learned some new things I had missed the first time when I was in such a rush to get started.

Since I first got started I've posted some more ads and amy doing surprisingly well with Craigslist Confidential.

I highly recommend it to anyone looking to make some exra money from home.