Not everyone are born normal, a great number of kids are born with mental disabilities that hinders them to live normally or have the mentally that regular kids have. Indeed, these children needs more attention and support than the usual but that does not mean it takes away their right to be properly educated. With special education tutoring, these kids may have the chance to live normally again. From the name itself, this type of program is for children that have special needs and need more attention and support. More so, this method of teaching is special as it focuses not only in teaching but approach are rather individualized depending on what the student really need. Even with disabilities, these kids still have to be educated. Such program is also intended for kids that have high IQ but have problems adapting with the environment. Kids that are born to be autistic, with dyslexia, low I. Q or with trisomy 21 are the most common cases that needs such teaching method. If you have a
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