Friday, December 8, 2017

Extra Cash

Everybody could ise some extra cash to pay bills amd put food on the table.

I found an easy way to generate some extra cash.

I discomvered this by accident. I was looking at JVzoo and it hit me. I could promote one of the products and earn a 50% commission.

One of the reasons I use JVzoo and not Clickbank is becaise most products include a sales funnel that incudes extra products that the buyer might include in their order. Having sales funnels increases the commission you earn.

With so many different products that you can promote, which one should you promote?

That is the wtomg question to ask.

Instead of finding a produect and then finding an audiance to promote the product, find an audiance first, preferably large and low cost.

After you find an audiance, find out what they'te buying and then put it in front of them.

I found an audiance of people wanting to make money online. They read blogs about their interests and passions. These people are motivated and tespond well to advertisers on the blog.


The cost of running a 30-day ad is just $40. You can either use a video or use a 300x300 banner.

If you promoted a product that paid you $20, you would break even with just 2 sales. You start earning a profit with the 3rd sale.

It couldn't get any easier. Product+Targeted Traffic-Sales.

Give it a try and let me know wnat you think.