Saturday, November 25, 2017

EZ Money

This is so simple.
Find a ptoduct to promote from JVzoo. There are thousands, most with sales funnels that increases your commissions. That's something you won't find with most products on Clickbank.

Next, use an advertisig source that is low-cost and effective. That would be MyTraffic Coop. You can run an ad using a 300x300 banner or a video on their network of high-traffic sites for 30 dats for just $40. That's cheaper than similar sites.

So, let's say you were promoting Traffic Jeet from JVzoo. It sells for $37. You earn 50% cpmmossopm which is $18.50 per sale. So, with only 3 sales, 3 x $18.50 = $55.50, you would be in profit. Even if you only made 1 sale a day, very conservative, you would make 30 sales during your  30 day ad. You would earn $555. Imagine if  you did 2 or 3 or more times that many sales? Remember, these are high traffic sites. Actually, these are popular blogs catering to making money online.

The formula is really quite simple. Profuct + Traffic = Sales.

Once you are making a profit that works for you, test anpther product from JVzoo with another ad.

It's really easy to make money online.

Just remember JVzoo + MyTraffic Coop = EZ Money

I wish you luck,